Success stories
Simplicity Integration Empowers Communities
Communities can now affordably enhance flood preparedness and response with low-cost, easy-to-deploy flood sensors. Simplicity integrates cutting-edge technology with existing communication infrastructure to provide real-time reporting you hold in your hand.
Flooding is among the most devastating natural disasters, yet many communities lack the ability to understand what is happening in real time. Simplicity Integration solves this with low-cost, lo T-enabled flood sensors that are quick to deploy and easy to use.
Prepare for the Unexpected
A Texas-based customer recently deployed Simplicity Integration’s low-cost flood sensors to monitor real time water levels and environmental changes in their retention and detention ponds and was able to make proactive decisions with the reliable data provided. This safeguarded lives, protected property, and is optimizing resource allocation.
Savings and Smart Decisions in the Real World
Our customer will save hundreds of thousands of dollars while creating peace of mind and saving precious energy and natural resources.
Simplicity Integration isn’t just about technology; it’s about empowering smarter choices to save lives and protect what matters most to our customers.
Case Study
This 2022 study by the American Society of Civil Engineers concluded that low-cost flood inundation sensors are a transformative and cost-effective technology for disaster risk reduction. With a proven economic case, these sensors provide substantial benefits in reducing flood-related damages, casualties, and operational costs, making them an attractive option for communities and stakeholders. The results support prioritizing this technology for broader adoption and integration into national flood risk management strategies.
Download this case study which assesses the economic feasibility and potential societal benefits of deploying low-cost flood inundation sensors, aiming to enhance flood warning systems and offer improved lead time, as well as expanded coverage at a fraction of the cost of traditional systems.